Native Greens LLC
Promoting an Eco-Friendly and Healthy Landscape Environment For You and Your Family
Why Choose Native Greens?
We Focus On Providing A Natural Lawn Care Program That Uses 91% Less Pesticides Than Our Competition. It's Better For You, Your Family And The Environment!
We have the ability to capture carbon from the atmosphere and put it back into the soil where it came from.
Our treated lawns can take the equivalent of 12-16 car's worth of greenhouse gas admissions PER YEAR and put it back into the soil.
The microorganisms that we introduce to the soil eat the pollutants that land on the soil and release it back into the soil as non-toxic substances.
Our regenerative program improves the soil water holding capacity, so we have less nutrient runoff into our streams and lakes.
The improved soil water holding capacity also means we use less water to irrigate our lawns and our lawns perform better in a drought.
Our products are bee friendly!

How it works
Our Lawn Care Program Concentrates On Building Healthy Soil.
The Native Greens’ approach to Lawn Care all starts with a Free soil test to establish a baseline (Call us at 973-206-9222 to arrange your free soil test). Our green, sustainable program uses probiotics to create an organic rich soil and a healthy lawn for generations to enjoy while lessening your carbon footprint.
Native Greens is not a lawn care company. We are a soil building company which helps build the health of a lawn.